Fathers, Stories, and Healthy Kids

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Did your dad ever tell you a funny story, a wild story, or an unforgettable story? If so, we bet you never forgot. It's a common way for men to connect with children, and there's something about a good story that stays with us.

In this episode, we celebrate the many ways dads show up in kids' lives, and how storytelling is often the doorway into their hearts and souls.

It's not always easy for men to express intimacy, but once you get Dad spinning a yarn there is something childlike, something playful, something deeply intuitive and connecting that can arise.

This heartfelt connection is always our focus at How to Tell Stories to Children. Forget the blockbusters. The simple, often ridiculous, or goofy stories are sometimes the best stories of all. They stay with us forever.

If you're a father, we highly recommend taking the time to tell stories with your kids. They will be some of your greatest memories, and just like you, your kids will never forget.


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on UnSplash

Joe Brodnik