Stories for Earth Day


We’re celebrating mother earth this year by telling stories that draw attention to her beauty. There are countless ways to do this, and in this episode we give several examples as well as some guidance on how to pick and craft the right one for your child.

We’ve also included a short video below with a quick example of how we do it, something we call the Storytelling Loop.

The Storytelling Loop is a great way to awaken interest by “planting” a story in a common object or activity. For example, if we tell a story about a stone, a real stone, a child tends to be curious about that very stone after the story.

Likewise, if we tell a story about Batman or fairies, there is often a newfound interest in these characters. The interest our story has sparked often leads a child to continue exploring the subject on their own.


So this Earth Day we’re crafting stories to draw our attention to the earth under our feet. This can be as simple as a story about the feeling of grass on our toes, the sound of music in the trees, a curious animal, or maybe just an elf who likes the potted plant on your windowsill.

Bring all of your senses into your story - what does it feel like? What does it smell like? What do you see, taste, and hear? If we allow our own creativity to awaken our senses, children love to follow along! The rich sensory language can help them get in touch with so much beauty at their fingertips.

Joe Brodnik