The Sun Warrior - Coping With Illness in a Parent

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This story was crafted for an eight year old boy whose father was struggling with Crohn’s disease, a crippling illness with sudden onset and remission. The father, an otherwise active and healthy man, would sometimes be bedridden for weeks or months, during which the child watched his father go from a vibrant and strong man to one that became confused, angry, and could hardly walk.

How is it possible to embrace an illness like this, yet make the father the hero his son needs him to be? That was my task when I took up this story. I wanted the father himself to feel empowered, and to give him, the mother, and the child new language to empower them as a family.

In situations like this I like to use the image of angelic helpers. They help paint a bigger picture than what we sometimes recognize here on earth. Plus, when I told this story (to dear friends), I knew that these beings would be a sign of comfort, love, and strength to them.

But not everyone likes angels. If you have an illness or a difficult situation, look within for the message you would like your child to receive. Find characters and places that give you strength to speak. The angels in this story could just as easily appear in the form of helpful animals or powerful wizards.

The illness itself can be represented as a heavy object that has to be carried over a steep mountain. In carrying it, the hero becomes stronger – even when he appears weaker to the outside world.

The Sun Warrior

Once long ago in a starry kingdom among the heavens, the guardian angel of all brave souls was looking for someone who would take on a most challenging task - the path of the sun warrior on earth. Many souls stepped forward, envisioning strong bodies, shields, and weapons, ready to fight the battle on earth.

The guardian angel asked them to listen to the task at hand, for he saw that he was easily misunderstood. The most eager ones crowded to the front rows, ready to be chosen, while far in the back there was a quiet angel. He had seen many lifetimes and knew that this would be a difficult journey that not many would be willing to endure.

The guardian angel explained that the sun warrior would have to be willing to walk in a body that would at times be frail and sick. In addition, the warrior would have to carry the Damascene Sword, an invisible, yet massive and heavy weapon - within the core of his being. He would have to be able to walk among the ones with strong muscular bodies, carry this tremendous, yet invisible weight, and not be overcome with jealous thoughts.

“If you can do this task, you shall help to heal many people on earth, who struggle with real pain in their physical bodies,” the guardian angel said. When he had finished his talk, he looked over the crowd. Slowly the band of eager little angels disappeared, till only the quiet one in the back was left. He sat still and looked the guardian in the eye. At last he spoke, “I will do it,” he said, “but I will need the help of other angels by my side.”

A female angel jumped up and said, “I will do it - with all the love of my heart.” Soon after, the echo of two more angels sounded from afar. “We will come too.”

“It won't be easy,” said the quiet angel.

“I will help you,” said the second. “The four of us will be strong together!”

The brave quiet angel took form and became Brian the Sun Warrior. He walked the earth and lived many beautiful days, but he also learned to walk during the days of sickness with an inner strength. On these days, the Damascene Sword was heavier than normal, and there were times he wanted to give up. But the female angel, the love of his life, joined him and helped in his darkest moments. She was always able to see the warrior in him even when others saw his weakness. The two knew that together they held an invisible sword of great power.

In time their strength became great. The echoes of the other two angels became the joyous laughter of children on earth – first a little boy, then a little girl. Sometimes when Brian the Sun Warrior had to fight his battle, the boy just wanted to see his father in a blazing sword and shield, battling dragons like all the other dads. He needed to be reminded of his father’s inner strength, and the Damascene Sword within.

The boy too became a warrior and learned to walk with the invisible sword of light. But this was not always easy. Sometimes he thought he did not want to be that kind of warrior. He even got angry that his father had chosen the path of the sun warrior. Why could he not be like other dads?

Eventually the boy came to school, where he learned a song that helped him remember to call on the help of St. Michael the Archangel (this was a song the boy knew from school). Michael reminded him that the guardian angel was always near and could help if he was called upon.

A knight will I become

A warrior strong and pure

That to the good on Earth

My victory be sure

Who shall be my example

Whose arm is swift and strong

The image in my shield

Does to Michael belong

He's overcome the dragon

Through cloud and smoke he's come

Let him be carried onward

As warrior of the sun.

Whenever the boy sang this song, St. Michael stood beside his father, Brian the Sun Warrior, and helped him fight the dragon that had disguised itself as an illness. Brian’s son became a warrior too and helped his father by singing his songs, carrying his head high, without jealousy, and praying for help from the angels. He too became strong, and they learned to fight the dragon together.

Brian the Sun Warrior had a strong family, and all four angels stood side by side, giving him all the love he needed to find the courage and strength to carry that miraculous sword of light. He and his son became great warriors, and together they carried the Damascene Sword over mountains and lands few other men had ever seen.


Photo by the National Cancer Institute on UnSplash

Joe Brodnik