How to Tell Stories to Children - Hardcover Book

How to Tell Stories to Children - Hardcover Book


“This book will help to promote storytelling as a key educational tool."

  • Dr. Jane Goodall

Telling stories with your children is one of the richest and most memorable experiences in life. In this easy-to-read book, now published in 21 languages, you’ll learn the essence of storytelling - connecting heart to heart.

Full of science, wonder, sample stories, and practical skills, it is a potent reminder that you already have everything it takes. You are the inheritor of 60,000 years of genes, culture, and tradition. It’s a treasure, your treasure, so let go of any nagging self-doubts. Awaken humbly and joyfully to the skills you already possess.

Storytelling is about much more than a story - it’s also the shared presence. When we give our real and full attention to our children, we give them something that outlasts all other gifts. You have something unique inside of you, something only you and your child can discover together. Those discoveries, even amidst the inevitable bumps and goofs, will be a stream of lifelong memories that both of you will cherish year after year.

Just ask yourself - do you remember anyone who took the time to tell you stories as a child? How do you feel about them right now? Creating those moments and memories for your own children - that’s what this book is all about.

“This is such a refreshing voice amidst the parenting noise and consumerism. Thank you for the inspiration to be a storyteller with my kid.”

  • Melanie, Mother of Leo (age 4)

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